
Bex Nimrod

is a midwest gal with a global heart. Her expansive vision and gift of intuition, guide her daily actions and work. She is a solid believer in the sacredness of gathering. Gifted with the ability to create and hold space, Bex allows those near, to press into internal spaces, breaking free. Her life is her work and the rest is bonus. Engage her one on one, in classes or a retreat setting. Her heart is comfortable in the middle of the dance floor or on trails with her dog surrounded by nature. She is a lover of skipping, bubbles, bare feet & passport stamps.

education & training

Certified Holistic Health Coach ~ IIN; NY, NY, USA

500 RYT ~ Samadhi Ashram; Rishikesh, India 

Holy Fire Reiki I & II ~ Rogers, AR, USA

Buti Yoga ~ Scottsdale, AZ, USA

YogaFit level 1, 2, Kids ~ Indianapolis, IN, USA

BA Leadership & Management ~ LCU, Lincoln, IL, USA

BoyMum ~ Global

In progress: Quantum Alignment System & Quantum Human Design