Chelsea M.

Experiences include: group fitness classes, holistic health coaching classes & retreat participant

“Bex is transformational. Any time I’ve interacted with Bex my life has been changed for the better. Whether she is pushing me harder in a spin class, challenging how I view myself in a holistic health class or being a source of light & love in the community, Bex is always making the world a better place with her presence and point of view. I am grateful for the ways she has made me press in & do the hard work in all areas of my life.”

Evan P.

Experiences include: group fitness classes & retreat participant

“Before I met Rebecca, I never thought I would be meditating in a room of 30 people finding what I needed to succeed in the coming year. My retreat with Rebecca was unlike anything I’ve ever done before. It pushed me mentally to let my guard down around people, and to find my authentic purpose.”

June B.

Experiences include: one on one coaching

Working with Bex was one early step in a series of steps that changed my life. Having set aside my hopes, dreams, aspirations, spirituality, and body after decades of trying to be the perfect standard of wife and mother that my culture of origin set for me, I could feel myself slipping away. One morning I decided to reach out for some help. I had no idea what kind of help I even needed, but Bex's sweet and gentle spirit met me right where I was, with so much grace. I don’t really recognized the shy, self deprecating and utterly exhausted girl that walked into Bex’s office the day of our first appointment, but I have much love and grace for her. Bex helped me to highlight the areas in my life where I was lacking nurture… the bits of my soul that were being neglected. She helped to guide me to my own healing power, to define and enforce personal boundaries, and to put myself on my own to do list. Once this clicked, my life changed. A friend told me the other day, “You have grown so much in confidence since I met you. Your presence is so strong.” I believe her. I am still very much on the journey back home to myself, but I walk with my head held higher now. I am a more connected to Spirit, more fulfilled in my roles as wife and mother, and more attuned to my own body and her needs. That started with me believing in myself and that I was worth believing in. Thank you Bex, for all of the ways that you shine your beautiful light into this world and the souls you meet along the way. 

I have been a student of Bex during big life transitions, choosing to have her instrumentally guiding me through these periods. What I have loved about our time together is the realness she brings to the table, making a connection effortless. She does not preach solely positivity. She shares her personal challenges and experiences in a way that gives clients a sense of belonging. It has always been refreshing being around Bex, her light shines so brightly, and then in an instant she is real, relatable and raw. She is a woman who has compassion and passion to the likes which I am drawn and desire to learn from. I want to know what she knows. Because of her willingness to be transparent, I have been able to grow in a way which has absolutely changed my life. Bex is a beacon for empowerment and strength. For those that needs someone in your corner, she is that light.

Melly R.

Experiences Include: one on one coaching and holistic health group coaching

The time is NOW! Will it be coaching or a retreat? Reiki, meditation or yoga? I’m ready to partner with you.

YOU, strong you

Experiences include: What is you desire or need?