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Virtual Meditation with NWA Girl Gang and YOU too!

NWAGG Meditation 24 Sept 2020.jpg

I am wildly excited to bring you a Loving Kindness Meditation on my birthday eve, at 8pm CST, Thursday 24 September 2020. From my home to yours, we will ground, center and send loving kindness internally and to all parts of the universe. The event is free and I am giving my services to a non-profit in which I fully believe.

You only need your body and breath, but if you want a few extras you may consider a mat, blanket, bolster, crystal, eye pillow…whatever makes you feel at ease, powerful and comfortable. The event starts at 8pm and I’d ask you set aside an hour. The meditation will not last a full hour, but we will have a little time to welcome at the beginning and a little after if anyone has any questions.



Please, please share with others! I can’t wait to *see* you and yours. Let’s raise the vibration and send a world changing loving kindness from the place where we call home ~ our heart. xx,

PS I know it’s at Girl Gang, but if you are not female or identify as female, know you are welcome. Muah!