anahata and mantra


It was 33 F when I woke and I was glad I listened to my intuition a few weeks ago, stacking a few logs of firewood outside the front door. I knew there was one more morning I’d meditate and have coffee fireside. This morning was that morning.

A powerful meditation focused on my Manipura (Solar Plexus) Chakra. I focused on abundance, using the mantra, I Trust. I felt called to add reiki and placed my right hand just above my belly button and my left hand on top of my right.

Insight sealed with love. I trust…I trust…I trust.

This mantra has carried me through the past several weeks. Out of a place of uncertainty and doubt to a place of growth and belief, I have moved forward. Never before has it felt more solid.

For the past 5 days, I participated in an online group focused on unlocking your intuition. My connection to my intuition is a gift and unlocking more of it seemed natural. Why not?

As I reflect on the week’s activities and energy healing sessions, I’m not sure I unlocked more of my intuition, rather I removed energy blocks and opened my heart to new possibilities.

With confidence and trust I said no to projects presented to me and yes to others. By choosing to honor my gifts, I feel my vibration rise and my steps forward on blessed ground. To what ground are you stepping forward? xx