light & lucky words

I had a job in high school of mowing the grass outside my dad’s office. It was how I paid for my car insurance. I didn’t mind, as I’m quite fond of the push mower, even on the sweatiest of days. I mow(ed) in the pattern of a Family Circus trip home from 2 houses down. It would make a Type A absolutely crazy.

Sometimes my dad would look out to witness my progress, to find the mower at a standstill and me on the ground surrounded by clovers. When I spotted one with 4 leaves, I halted the mower, making sure to pick it instead of plow over it. Certainly that is bad luck to mow over, don’t ‘cha think?

When I mow the lawn at our home now, the pattern and the the halting is no different. I stop. I pick. I save. I press them in books, discovering them at a later date. I laminate and post them in a letter. One year I gave every player on my son’s soccer team a 4-leaf clover before state with a note of encouragement. I chuckled when one of the players asked if ordered them off Amazon. If I find one while on a walk or run, I’ll hand it off to the next person I pass.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve found them. The same goes for friendship rocks. It wasn’t until the past few years, I realized I never really find them, they find me.

What is it you attract? What catches your eye? Scroll down and maybe you will see 1 or 2 or 3…xx,

Cast your eyes when and where your heart says LOOK!

Cast your eyes when and where your heart says LOOK!