Irish Sea Moss

Irish Sea Moss (CLICK to order) 1 Cup packed, then unpacked. I was surprised of it’s lack of sea smell.

Irish Sea Moss (CLICK to order) 1 Cup packed, then unpacked. I was surprised of it’s lack of sea smell.

One of the most exciting parts of working one on one with clients is the unique story they share. Each person an individual and no set standard or practice that works for everyone. I get to pull from my education, listen to intuition and continue learning with each life story and goals presented. Exciting, right?

Given the opportunity to guide them in the direction of their goals, finding balance in a holistic lifestyle, I am committed to finding a variety of options and offerings. I am also committed (under most circumstances) to not recommending something I would not be willing to try myself. Most recently this commitment led me to explore Irish Sea Moss. Preparation, incorporating to my day and sharing.

I do not remember when I first learned about ISM, however I do recall it most recently it popped into my instagram feed via Dr. Sebi. It was recommended for smokers. I am working with a client who wants to stop smoking. Voila, an opportunity for me to learn.

ISM contains 92 of the 110 minerals found in the human body. Among other benefits, it’s known to reduce inflammation and mucus in the body. Smokers and those who are in the process of quitting have excess mucus in their lungs. After reading and learning about how to prepare it for consumption, I ordered a bag. I’d give it a try, then recommend.

Scroll down to see my first batch of Irish Sea Moss Gel…

One packed cup  placed in a glass bowl and covered with filtered water. I rinsed it before soaking to remove left over sand, then let it soak it for 20 hours. In reading about how to prepare, it was recommended to soak for 12-36 hours.

One packed cup placed in a glass bowl and covered with filtered water. I rinsed it before soaking to remove left over sand, then let it soak it for 20 hours. In reading about how to prepare, it was recommended to soak for 12-36 hours.

After soaking, I removed it from water (reserving the full of minerals water) and got my blender ready. I did wonder if it an ocean smell would appear after soaking, but surprisingly, it did not.

After soaking, I removed it from water (reserving the full of minerals water) and got my blender ready. I did wonder if it an ocean smell would appear after soaking, but surprisingly, it did not.

I added all of the soaked ISM to the blender first, then poured in 1 cup of the water reserved water. Don’t worry, if you poured it out, just use filtered water and get it on the next batch. I started on speed 1 Increasing up to 4 or 5,  adding  mor…

I added all of the soaked ISM to the blender first, then poured in 1 cup of the water reserved water. Don’t worry, if you poured it out, just use filtered water and get it on the next batch. I started on speed 1 Increasing up to 4 or 5, adding more water , 1/4 c at at time to get a smooth gel like consistency. In total, I blended for 3 minutes. Next, I poured it into glass jars for refrigeration, so it would be ready to use in my morning smoothie.

There it is, the crown ingredient in my morning smoothie! It didn’t change the taste and made the smoothie a little thicker. No too thick. It was still straw (reusable, obv) suckable. Looking forward to seeing how it works for my client and how they…

There it is, the crown ingredient in my morning smoothie! It didn’t change the taste and made the smoothie a little thicker. No too thick. It was still straw (reusable, obv) suckable. Looking forward to seeing how it works for my client and how they will incorporate it to their daily routine as the move forward crushing their goal to stop smoking once and for all!

Have you used or do you use ISM? What is your favorite use way to use it? I am just getting started with this new super food, but believe it will become a part of daily life and not just in a smoothie. xx,