Damnit, it's time!

sweatshirt on hook


At the end of classes I get to lead, I often offer the this invitation: Inhale that which you need, exhale that which no longer serves you. It’s peaceful and comes after I’ve spoken affirming words over each of them.

Friends, can I be honest for a moment? The more I get to know the hearts, dreams and struggles of those in my classes, the more tempting it is to say these words instead:

Deeply breathe in all the magic, goodness, holiness in this room. Every ounce of what you need, tucking it in your heart’s pocket. Now exhale. Bigger, exhale! Let it go. Every ounce of self doubt, negativity, fear and uncertainty. Everything which doesn’t serve you, hang it up! Damnit, hang it up!

I’ll keep my peaceful words, but maybe I will send “Damnit, hang it up” vibes silently from time to time. xx,