This ________ light of mine...

This morning it was still dark as I drove into teach an early yoga class. I opened the moonroof and rolled down the windows and chanted Om Shri Om for a bit, then sent love and light to those in my Sunday morning Spirit Vortex group and smiled.

A mile passed and the lyrics of Amazing Grace and the image of a campfire entered my thoughts. I started to sing. After a few rounds and I stopped singing and thought about these words, “…a wretch like me.” I couldn’t sing anymore.

I tried Jesus Loves Me. (Clearly I was on a Sunday school or summer camp roll this morning.) “…I am weak, but he is strong…” Again, Unable to finish singing. I drove on for a few minutes in silence.

I’d left my phone at home on purpose or I’m sure I’d have made a call to another early riser to talk about these songs. Instead I talked to myself. Yes, outloud and I’m so glad I did. We (me and me) talked about so many of the songs I grew up singing in church included lyrics about the weakness and the wretchedness of humanity. The need for being saved, due to original sin or lack of being good. I tried to think of one which didn’t.

I landed on This Little Light of Mine. I sang it and smiled, then stopped again. LITTLE! This LITTLE light of mine. Why is this God given, gifted, unique light called little? Why are we little and not good and in need of saving because we were born horrible sinners? Last I checked when God created humans, God called them very good. Where did this message get lost? I screamed and then I decided I’d changed the lyrics.

This light of mine, I’m gunna let it shine.

This light of mine, I’m gunna let it shine.

This light of mine, I’m gunna let it shine!

Let it shine. Let it shine. Let it SHINE!

It felt stronger and brighter and right. I didn’t stop changing the lyrics with that just that verse, I changed a couple of others. For those who are familiar with this song, “Satan” became anyone and “Hide it under a bushel” became Hide it behind fear and doubt.

Dear one, your gifts, your light, your purpose is not little or bad or wretched. It was gifted to you and only you. It is powerful and brilliant and big and bright. The world deserves to see your light. The world needs it.


PS I am excited to share about an exciting way I’m shining my light in 2022. Get ready for the opportunity to embark on a Energy Immersion and Yoga experience of a lifetime in Gorgeous Goa, India! My brilliant co-creator Katrin, and I have been working for the past 2 years to bring this experience to you. Save the dates 5-12 March 2022 and watch for more information and registration. This retreat is different. You will not want to miss it.