No longer a casual conversation about a dream...

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In 1995 my feet first touched Indian soil. My wide open eyes were introduced to colors and situations I’d never even imagined, as my nose breathed the mixture of spices and exhaust, incense and fire. The sounds of people and car horns, music, stray dogs and everything in between became the soundtrack to a deeply and forever changed heart.

For years I longed to return to her, knowing I had more to learn and part of my heart to retrieve. I wanted to be a student of the orchestrated chaos which I briefly met at 19. To sit with, watch and feel the swirl of energy around my body.

I returned in February 2019 (A Return to India) and again a few months later in June to complete my 500 hour registered yoga teacher training, never retrieving the part of my heart I left behind in 1995. I decided to stop looking, because I didn’t leave it behind. It had been with me all along. It was a part of my heart I was not able to identify. It would take years of peeling off layers, deconstructing and reconstructing. This part of my heart was different and open and changed in a way I would only be ready to understand 18 years later.

When you travel alone you meet people and if you are lucky some of these people become friends. Well, I hit the jackpot when I was south of Goa, India on Patnem Beach. Not only did I meet an incredible friend, this friend has turned out to be a co-creator and partner. Since meeting in March 2019, Katrin and I have formed not only a close and admirable friendship, but turned a casual conversation about sharing our work in global retreat settings into a reality.

Originally, planning to offer our first retreat in 2020, we paused, but did not stop. We continued to press in and grow, learn and understand. We moved a few steps forward and paused again when necessary.

We are hippie and punk, woo-woo and science, burnette and blonde…the perfect duo.

I am so excited to share an introduction and invitation to our Energy Immersion Retreat, of course in India! Read on and go ahead, click the link and book this retreat. Momma India will change you too. I promise. xx,


What if you could feel great, stay calm and remain positive no matter what life throws you, while living a self-empowered, inspired life full of clarity and energy to step into the direction of your dreams? 

You can! From 5-12 March 2022 you have the chance to disconnect and turn inwards on the beach of the Arabian Sea in beautiful Goa. Immerse yourself in the ancient practices of yoga through focused work in your energy center (chakras).

Together, we will explore different techniques of movement, breath and meditation, learning tools and practices to strengthen your mindset, heart-set, and to deepen your yoga practice holistically. These techniques and practices will boost your nervous system and immune system while positively impacting your energy levels. 

The opportunity to visit unique and sacred places will be available, as the group embarks on life changing field trips and outings. But please note, this amazing opportunity will allow for you to have plenty of time to take big active rest breaks at our private beach. 

Get in touch with yourself and recharge so you will have enough sustainable energy to accomplish all your goals in one of the most mystical and spiritual epicenters of the world: India. Our award-winning retreat location is situated in Patnem Beach, close to the Goan airport. 

Our experienced teachers look forward to guiding you on a journey either back to yourself or deepening your self awareness during this week. We guarantee you will leave with more clarity, energy and a fully expanded heart. 

India heals. 

This retreat is different. 

The time is now. 

Your dreams are waiting for you to make them a reality. 

CLICK HERE for more information and to book!