feast and fast and the in-between


Do you practice feasting and fasting?

I am a believer in the practice of both and the time in-between (which is most of the time) finding balance between the two. I am also a believer and practice-er of creating ceremony and celebration during times of opportunity and transition.

These times look different and are specific to my physical, spiritual and mental needs. My body and mind function best when I avoid alcohol and sugar. I am keenly reminded of this when I make a feasting decision involving both, as I did a couple of weeks ago. When I make the decision to celebrate and it involves a feast, I know physically and mentally how I will feel before, during and after. And yes, I still feast.

It’s taken years to arrive in the space where I am able to practice this and I know when it is not safe. As one who lives day to day in ED recovery, I am careful. It is important to know yourself, your body and your spirit.

A few weeks ago I found myself in a place where I needed to connect internally. I needed to press into spaces which had been waving to me for months. (Ok, maybe waving for years, but I didn’t dare look or wave back.) I needed to check in with my gifts and make sure they were being fully used. On 8 August I packed my favorite tote bag and headed to a room where I would stand, wave with both hands and instead of waiving back, I chose an embrace. Is it time for you to do the same? What are you waiting for? Maybe you don’t know where to begin and if that’s the case, try this:

Make the Time Add it to your calendar, choose a location and commit. If you are into the woowoo, pack your sage etc. If you are straight to the point, bring just what you need. In either case, know you deserve this, so make it happen.

Embrace>Wave When it’s time to answer the call of your purpose and use your gifts fully, don’t wave back to them, embrace them. Embrace as two lovers embrace after months apart or like a child and parent after months of service work deployment.

Breathe and Listen Spend at least 5 minutes in conscious breathing. And more, if it’s part of your daily practice and you are comfortable. Then sit and listen. Do not be quick to jot down thoughts, rather sit with them. What is shared with you? Where do you feel it in your body? Are you able to make these connections? If not why?

Note Write, type, text, draw, that which is given. Whatever it is, even if it seems a bit wild, put it on paper (or a screen).

Notice and Align Read over the notes you made. Do they align with your gifts? Do they align with your lifestyle? Ask more questions and then the answers.

Step Forward One foot after the other, one action then the next, GO! Move in the direction of your gifts. Step by step, go.

You & I have been created for this and it’s time.

After a few hours in a tight embrace with myself I knew what steps would be take on a heart, mind and spiritual level. I would have a gratitude celebration and feast. Feasting and offering gratitude was easy…heart connected conversation over champagne, cupcakes and fries on a Thursday afternoon, in the same space where I’d embraced instead of waved. After, I would enter a period of fasting in the in-between. Committed to a sharper mind and healthy body, I’d return to avoiding alcohol and refined & added sugars.

The next decision is the biggest and riskiest I’ve made to date: I’d take the steps forward and open my schedule for more work which I know I’ve been called ~ coaching and private clients. I have created space in my calendar to have 5 more private clients. Who will get to fill these spots?

If you find yourself unable to Make the Time, let’s connect. If you find yourself unable to Embrace, let’s connect. If you find yourself unable to Breathe and Listen, let’s connect. Catching onto the pattern…If the thought has crossed your mind while reading these words, trust it and let’s connect.

Click HERE to see a list of services I provide and share and HERE to read what those I’ve been fortunate to work have to say. Next, click HERE to connect. If you’ve made it this far, it’s time to consider pressing in and moving forward. You do not need to be local to NWA, I’ve worked with clients in several states and partner with leaders across the globe. We can and will make it work. It’s time and you are deserving! xx,