Physical Quarantine: thoughts & an opportunity

Each day we will do the Liz Gilbert shared 5-4-3-2-1 journal. List 5 things we see, 4 things we hear, 3 things we feel, 2 things we smell & 1 thing we taste. We will hang them on the wall & reread at the end.

Each day we will do the Liz Gilbert shared 5-4-3-2-1 journal. List 5 things we see, 4 things we hear, 3 things we feel, 2 things we smell & 1 thing we taste. We will hang them on the wall & reread at the end.

In a physically distant, but heart connected conversation today (GER~USA) a dear one said to me these words: “The world is waking up.”

Yes she is, YES SHE IS!

Lovelies, we have been given an opportunity to rise with her, stay where we are or sink. What will you choose? I choose RISE!

My thoughts and feelings are many and they are scattered. I’m sharing a few of them from the first real day of COVID-19 family quarantine:

High School Homeschooling: I am not and was not a home schooling momma. I did remove my boys for a semester and we “unschooled” in Rwanda. The best teachers they had were freedom and boredom and Pops. My dad taught them about bats and they still remember his lessons. They were young and I believed it would (and did) lay a solid foundation of global & societal awareness and wanderlust. Today, the schools are closed for a minimum of 2 weeks and that makes me a homeschooling mum. I call it homeschooling-ish with the inability to aid them in learning about world history in the 1800’s and matrix in math. I don’t understand math and forgot the history. So, I serve them snacks.

Daily dos: I promised myself some things I would do each day during this time: asana, meditation, lotsa water, writing, reading and pressing into the spaces of discomfort. And letters; to write letters. Send me your addy and I’ll write you a note and post it. I stocked up on 3 things ~ peanut butter, Astragalus and stamps. Handwritten notes on letter pressed cards are my love language.

Deep conditioning & coaching: I do some of my best thinking in the shower. Today I used a deep conditioning treatment, making my thinking time extra long. During this time I asked myself how I can give back during the next 14 days. Do I livestream meditation and yoga? Do I offer reiki sessions at a distance? Do I host a Q & A about ____________ (enter something)? None of those felt right, and it must feel right.

Then it came to me. This is how I’m doing to give back — Free 30 minute holistic coaching sessions for 14 days starting today. I’m a certified holistic health coach, but many of my clients describe my work more along the lines of life coaching. (Working on the testimonials, I promise.) I will not set up a menu plan or exercise routine for you. Just not my jam. But, I will help you identify areas of your life which are out of balance and together we will craft a plan, with goals, to move you in the direction. The direction of a more holistically balanced way of living.

If you are interested, please send me an email ( or a DM on Instagram. I am not committed to using Facebook as a platform for back and forth communication, so please know I won’t reply to comments. Let’s get something set up and move together in that direction.
