We are Gifted

Photo by Rachel Fox of NWA GIrl Gang.

Photo by Rachel Fox of NWA GIrl Gang.

When was a moment in your life you knew you were living according to your gifts, your calling, your dharma? A time you stepped exactly where you knew you needed to step, foot after foot on steady and blessed ground. How long ago was this moment?

Yesterday, walking in the crisp winter air, I felt this. I left one space where I’d led yoga, walking a few blocks to another where I’d lead a focused pause of breath & meditation for a local non-profit. The leader of this organization recognizes the added value of this pause in the midst of a full day of ________ (hustle, work, planning, busy…choose the word which best fits). While she, herself, uses her gifts to passionately lead a group of people, she hired me to use my gifts, providing a service she knew would made a difference in the day.

This morning an iPhoto curated video (shared below) popped up in my memories from this time last year. It was a collection from a 1 day retreat I dreamed into reality. This retreat, Decade Dream, Decide, Do it!, was the greatest shining collision of my gifts to date. I wrote. I gathered. I guided. I fed. I created & held a sacred space for others to heal and grow. I did exactly what I’d dreamed and more. As I watched this video alone in my kitchen, I smiled and was filled with satisfaction, happiness and gratitude. You know, the heart bursting kind! I paused, the smile left my face for a bewildered expression. I recognized this feeling. It was the same feeling I had yesterday walking from leading yoga to leading a focused pause. It was not just a moment a year ago; I was currently living according to my gifts.

As I moved through my morning, I began to wonder what life would look like if we noticed one another’s gifts and upon recognition, made an effort to support. Support can look like a note or text when you see them shine. Support can look like hiring services or making a purchase. Support can come in a referral or reference. It can be buying a ticket to a sporting event or offering to be a mentor. Support can look like, “I see you and want to know how I can support you.” (See note at the end, please.)

What if we were keenly aware of the moments we were living our gifts? What if we paused and cheered for ourselves? Wahooooo, I AM doing it! Like in the movies when the door shuts and they dance behind it after closing a big deal.

I am confident in this: Each person has been created with purpose, for a purpose and uniquely gifted. These gifts and this purpose changes the world in which we live and move. I’m confident because I see it every day, while other days my world is changed by those pressing into their gifts. Friends, I look for it. I expect it.

Will you please, do a few things for me today? First, make the decision to recognize your gifts. Second, spend time thinking of people you know who are using the gifts they’ve been given. After you have spent time thinking, make the decision to take a step on steady and blessed ground in the direction of your gifts, followed by the commitment to support another who is on this path.

Please share your gifts in the comments. Share how I, we, can support you. Let’s continue to build a community of gifted healers and artists, entrepreneurs, business professionals and athletes; all the gifts. None left out. I’m looking forward to reading and learning. Please, don’t be shy or “humble”. This is who you are called to be - SHINE! xx,

Note: Should someone - No, not should, WHEN, someone asks how they can support us, we must answer! We must be confident and willing. Say yes, then share exactly how they can support. This, friends, is how we change the world.