What moves the world?

Je Le Bouge:: I Move It

Je Le Bouge:: I Move It


Love Moves the World.

I do not have diamonds outside of small earrings and my engagement ring and I have a beautiful strand of pearls which were gifted to me on my wedding day. I don’t even have a proper jewelry box. My jewelry box is, instead a few trays and bowls on top of my chest of drawers, full of beaded bracelets, malas and handmade by artisan earrings. I also have a freestanding wooden cross which holds my most special and meaning-filled necklaces.

It holds a raw sapphire and aquamarine from India and several talisman charms from Pyrrha. They each hold a special place in my heart and are worn when I need them. Sometimes stacked and stacked as I channel my inner Mr. T and a deep V-Neck t-shirt.

As we enter another week of distancing and the world shifts into a new way of moving day to day, I’m wearing this one: Love Moves the World. Because it does. We must press into and believe. As a collective people, we must!

When you order from Pyrrha each piece of jewelry comes with a card sharing its significance and meaning. (Also a handwritten thank you…my 1st love language.) The card from this one reads: ‘Je Le Bouge’ in French, which means, ‘I Move It.’ The image of a cherub moving the earth is the unstoppable power of love.

As it hangs from my neck, near my heart, know I’m believing in a LOVE which moves the world. A love which was given to each of us when we took our first breath. A love we can connect to at any moment we choose.

Pause ~ Feet on the Floor ~ Left hand on Heart ~ Breathe

Feel it? xx,

PS If I were to have a 2nd love language, I’m certain it would be a gifts toss up between Pyrrha and Le Creuset. Click HERE to check out Pyrrha. Maybe you will find something special too.